During the school year, many children get their only hot meal at school. Once school is out for the summer months, there is a huge increase in the number of children and families that rely on Ancho...
Anchor Ridge - Delivery of 17,000 Drinks For Families!
Anchor Ridge is being donated an ENTIRE TRUCK full of drinks for families at NO COST!!! The only thing we have to cover is the 18-wheeler shipping fee of $728. 77
This will provide over 17,000 dri...
Anchor Ridge MINI Community Center / Storage - Southwest Virginia - PHASE 1!
UPDATE!!!! We have found a repo-unit for just a little less than half than the original unit we were looking at! What a blessing! We went ahead and made the first payment BY FAITH to go ahead and s...
Anchor Ridge Mobile Kitchen
Our new Mobile Kitchen will enable us to not only meet physical needs of families with supply distributions, but will also position us to offer hot meals to children and families that are hungry an...
Disaster Response Bags
Anchor Ridge is in the process of making preparations to be able to dispatch supplies with only a few hours notice to provide boots-on-the-ground support when a severe weather event or other natura...
Minivan For Appalachian Missions!
We actually need 2 or 3 of these, but we can get a good start with one!! I am SO EXCITED about this! With our operation being spread out over 5 states, it is sometimes hard to move our mission team...